In the early 1800's a young lad named Ignatz von Peczely of Igernar, near Budapest, Hungary, caught an owl one day. The eleven year old boy struggled with the frightened bird and met with the fierce claws as the bird instinctively tried to defend himself. In order to free himself von Peczely accidentally broke the owl's leg. As the youth and the owl glared into one another's eyes the boy observed a black stripe rising in the owl's eye (about 6:00). Von Peczely bandaged the owl's leg and nursed him back to health finally giving him his freedom. But the bird lingered in the garden several years and von Peczely observed the appearance of white and crooked lines where the black stripe first appeared. The black stripe eventually became a tiny black spot, surrounded by white lines and shading.
When he grew up Ignatz von Peczely became a physician. He never forgot the incident with the owl. Work in the surgical wards of the college hospital afforded him the opportunity to observe irises of patients after accidents and preceding and following surgery. A study of the changes in the eyes coinciding with injuries, surgery or illnesses convinced von Peczely that there was a reflex relationship between the various markings in the iris and the rest of the body. He was certain that the iris mirrored tissue changes of the various organs and created the first chart of the iris based on his findings.
At a similar point in history a Rev. Niels Liljequist, a Swedish clergyman, was discovering that a relationship existed between various drug settlements and specific discoloration in the iris of the eye. Extremely ill as a youth, Liljequist had taken massive quantities of quinine. This led to his correlation of the yellow-green discoloration in his eye to the use of quinine.
Iridology has progressed tremendously since the 1800's. Numerous scientist and doctors have researched Iridology and revised and enlarged the iris chart. Dr. Bernard Jensen, renowned Iridologist and Nutritionist, pioneered the science of Iridology in the U.S. and developed one of the most comprehensive charts. Dr. Jensen's Chart to Iridology represents all organs of the body with the pupillary area corresponding to the naval and the remaining organs circle this nucleus, radiating out like the spokes of a wheel. Additionally, certain vital organs, such as the lungs, kidneys, thyroid, liver, etc., are boldly outlined to enable the practitioner to detect them as major landmarks in the iris topography.
What exactly is "Iridology?" By way of definition it is the science and practice revealing inflammation, where located and in what stage it is manifesting. The iris reveals bodily conditions, inherent weaknesses, levels of health, and the transition that takes place in a person's body according to the way he or she lives.
This adjunctive analysis allows the doctor to relate markings and signs in the iris to reflex manifestations of the various organs of the body. The eye has been proclaimed through the ages as "the mirror of the soul." and now we acknowledge it as the window to the body - enabling us to visualize normal and abnormal states within the body and its organs.
How does the iris represent all this? Contained within the iris are thousands of nerve filaments. They receive messages from virtually every nerve in the human body via connections with the optic nerves, optic thalamic, and spinal cord. Also, microscopic muscle fibers and tiny blood vessels are within the eye. In cooperation the nerve filaments, muscle fibers and blood vessels duplicate tissue changes simultaneously with reflexly associated organs of the body. Thus, by examining the marking, discolorations, textures and other iris manifestations, the practitioner is able to analyze the health level of all body constituents. Relevant to bodily changes, the iris changes likewise. The eye is Nature's window to the body's interior by transmission of messages between the eye and rest of the body. She has afforded us a means of observing tissue changes. pathology or impending pathology, hereditary strengths and weaknesses, infection, inflammation in all its stages, drug settlements, local lesions, tissue destruction, nutritional deficiencies, and (bio)chemical imbalance through the iris.
Iris analysis substantiates Samuel Hahnemann's hypothesis: Acute and chronic problems may have a constitutional background, related to acquired or hereditary characteristics. The doctor proficient in Iridology is able to ascertain a patient's acquired of inherent tendencies toward health or disease, his general constitution, and the location of his greatest strengths and weaknesses (various organs) by way of the iris.
The doctor can warn a person of impending ill health with the help of Iridology. It is potentially an integral part of preventive medicine. The iris will alert us to the early signs of approaching "dis-ease." This is a great service to the patient. Indications of dangerous tissue alterations are transmitted to the eye, and if one is adept at interpreting these signals, a patient can often avoid more serious symptoms.
And once these problem areas are discovered, can Iridology follow the patient's progress? Indeed, it can! Assuming a patient receives the correct therapy, cleansing and healing of the body can easily be verified from the iris. What an accurate check for the doctor on himself and on his patient! The iris signifies correct or incorrect therapy. I purification, purging of various tissues is taking place, the iris reveals this in detail. If a healing crises is approaching, the iris will indicate it. Everyone should become familiar with the Healing Crisis.
Iridology provides a simple, painless, economical means of looking into the body. However, Iridology is an adjunctive analysis - not to be uses alone. It may be utilize in conjunction with any other system of analysis or diagnosis available. Today, more that at any other period of medical history, man is in need of accurate and less complex methods of analyzing a patient's condition. Humanity also needs a more preventive health care approach. Iridology holds a key to both of these perplexities. Many symptoms prevalent today are entirely foreign to symptoms evident at the turn of the century. Changes in living habits, pollution, intensified stress of modern civilization contribute to alterations in the manifestations of diverse disease symptoms.
Iridology does not claim to identify and name diseases. When we peer into the iris of the eye we are viewing an aggregate communication system, the body's most complicated tissue structure visible to the outside world. From the iris' multitudinous fibers it is possible to communicate with and to read nerves from each of the various organs in the body.
Iridology allows one to determine what is transpiring within the body from an external vantage point. When we penetrate the depths of the body's interior through the external observation of the iris, we do not perceive a disease by name. But there are manifestations, indications, signs, which we can determine from the iris of the eye, that deserve considerable attention by the practitioner dedicated to helping people find a better path to health. there are a few manifestations Iridology can watch, record, respond to: First of all the body's inherent weaknesses, tissue changes, retracing of disease - how doctors can observe a remission taking place - purification of the body, eliminating acids, cleansing the body of pollutants. the body is chemicalized through proper nutrition which in turn elevates tissue to a higher functional ability, improving its integrity, affording greater repairability, greater rejuvenation activity.
Schematic Illustrations That Are Helpful In Explaining What the Iridologist Is Actually Viewing In Making Out The Worksheet For Iris Analysis
Figure 1a. shows us how the fibers of the eye look upon ordinary examination. figures 1b, 1c, and 1d show the fibers as they look under 40 power magnification. Fibers actually seem to come out from the pupil part-way into the iris and then turn back into the pupil, while others come from the edge of the iris, go in to meet the first mentioned fibers and then return to the edge. Each area where two fibers meet represents a nerve plexus in the body. The circular area in the iris is called the autonomic nerve wreath.

Figure 2a. represents varying degrees of fiber density which may bee seen in the iris. The closer and straighter the fibers, the stronger will be the reflexly associated area of the body. The further apart and wavier the fibers, the weaker will be the inherent structure of the associated area. Figure 2b shows us that the wreath in an iris may not be in a perfect circle, due to the fact that not all tissues of one body have the same inherent strength. The inherently weaker tissues of the body will be less able to hold on to the body-building minerals that stronger tissues. Here is where Iridology can help point out what chemical elements one needs

Figure 3. is a cross section of the layers of the iris. Looking at the iris from the sides the layers are lying on top of one another, representing a variety of shadings from almost white at the top to almost black at the bottom, which is the dark pigmented area. Fibers located in the upper layer will appear white, while those found in the deeper layers will be progressively darker as they approach the pigment layer. White corresponds to acute inflammation in the body. Sub-acute, chronic, and degenerative stages are represented by gray to almost black fibers.

Figure 4. illustrates the four stages of inflammation as seen in the iris. Wrong living habits produce chronic disease and finally degeneration. Junk food, suppressive drugs, chemical shortages, enervation, poor circulation, etc. cause acute problems to develop into chronic ones. According to Hering's Law of cure, symptoms should disappear from above downward, within outward, and in reverse order of their coming. White in the iris corresponds to acute and hyperactivity. Healing crises are found in hyperactive tissue. Refer to Doctor-Patient Handbook for more information on the healing crisis.

Figure 5. The above Iridology chart was developed with the idea of so clearly circumscribing each organ area, as we know it to date, that we can more easily determine where each organ area begins and ends. The chart indicates the location of the corresponding areas of inflammation in the body of the patient. From each area of the body a rate of vibration is carried to the brain area registering a diagnostic picture and thence to the iris of the eye. Tissues in the various stages of inflammation in the body (acute, sub-acute, chronic, and degenerative) will register their states in the iris as very white, slightly grey, dark grey, and almost black, respectively.

Figure 6. This illustrates the seven areas or zones in which various organs are placed as definitely as possible (in accordance with present knowledge), outside of the inner ring. No. 2 is the landmark of the autonomic nerve wreath.
1. Stomach
2. Intestines
3. Vital Organs
4. Inside of Organs
5. Outside of Organs
6. Lymphatic and Circulatory Systems
7. Skin

Figure 7a. Lesions can be walled in or they can be open. these lesions in 7a are open lesions in which the toxic material or flora or basic tissue fluids flowing back and forth with that particular organ can be moved along and an exchange easily made. figure 7b shows how closed lesions in corresponding organs in the body will appear in the iris. A closed lesion indicates encapsulated fluids and difficulty in moving secretions along quickly. figure 7c illustrates the appearance of inherent body weakness as expressed in the iris. When the iris fibers separate, bend or form a hole, so to speak, this indicates an inherent weakness in the reflexly associated organ or organs of the body. The dark pigment layer will show through the fibers. Toxic material can settle in these weaker organs adding acquired weakness to the already inherently weak area. Figure 7d shows us how, as the tissue of the related organ cleanses itself and heals, it will appear in the iris. Healing lines, or calcium luteum lines, will be seen and may be likened to putting in new timber to bolster up an area in a home that needs repair. And so it is with the body; new tissue replaces old.

Figure 8. This drawing shows the large intestine, which is one of the most important eliminative organs in the body. When it is clean and healthy, other organs of the body are generally healthy, too. Every organ is dependent upon the intestinal tract. A toxic intestine acts as a seat of infection, throwing out its toxins into the blood stream. this figure also indicates what bowel pockets of diverticuli may look like in the colon. These pockets may represent areas of chronic bowel stasis, and chronic toxic settlement from which wast material may be picked up by the blood and carried to the weaker organs of the body.

Figure 9. This figure shows the position of the bowel in the iris chart. It is found around the pupillary area inside the autonomic nerve wreath. It may be seen that this organ occupies a very central place in the chart. It is the center from which all organs extend like spokes from the hub of a wheel. The drawing illustrates how bowel pockets will appear in the iris. Reflex conditions to various organs in the body can develop as the toxic material is picked up from these pockets and carried to the associated organ which will be found in the chart directly opposite that lesion in the bowel area of the iris. Often there will be seen a dark pocket in the bowel area and a slightly darkened area opposite in the corresponding organ area outside the wreath. The patient will usually complain of a problem in the organ area, which almost invariably is reflexly related to the condition in the colon. This is proved by the fact that when a bowel area which has been chronically abnormal becomes normalized, the chronic condition in the corresponding organ disappears. The darkness in the colon and organ area of the iris will also lighten as cleansing and rebuilding take place. While the chief function of the large intestine seems to be the condensing and disposing of waste, yet some absorption of nutrient material can take place, especially in the churning processes in the ascending colon where the mass is still semi-liquid. Certainly it is very possible that toxic materials (such as those formed when fermentation and putrefaction result from the intake of improper foods over a period of years and those eliminated by bacteria), which are in solution, also will be absorbed in the blood and cause reflex symptoms.